Washington: November 6, 2020. US presidential election 2020 te sobse besi voters recorded korishe aro etu 120 saal beche te ase koikena electoral expert para janai thishe. US Election project hesab te etu saal 239 million manuh khan vote thibo parai thaka te 160 million manuh para vote thishe. Aro etu figure toh aha din te update koribo koishe. November 3 election din te voters khan 66.9 per cent thakishe, aro etu 1900 beche sobse besi rate ase. 1900 saal election te 73.7 per cent voter thakishe koishe. “2020 presidential election te 120 saal bechete sobse besi rate ase. Aro etu oper te ballots te vote deya be konti koribo ase,” koikena Florida University laga Associate Professor of Political Science, Michael P McDonald para koishe,aro tai toh US Election Project head be ase. 2016 saal te, US te 56 per cent voters khan vote thishe, aro 2008 saal te 58 per cent thakishe. US Election Project hesab te Minnesota aro Maine te, etu saal sobse besi 79.2 per cent voters khan vote thishe, etu beche Iowa te 78.6 per cent ase. Maine aro Iowa te President Donald Trump jetishe aro Minnesota te Democratice Joe Biden olaishe. Dosura State te 70 per cent oper vote deya toh Colorado (77.1 per cent), Connecticut (71.1 per cent), Delaware (70.8 per cent), Florida (72.9 per cent), Maryland (72.2 per cent), Massachusetts (73.4 per cent), Michigan (73.5 per cent) aro Montana (72.3 per cent) thakishe. Arkansas te sobse komti 56.1 per cent vote thishe. Time magazine para koishe ke, 2020 saal te voter aha toh average thakishe, keli koile duniyaa te ketaiba US te vote deya rate toh besi beya thaki. Sobse besi voter khan ahina vote support kora toh Biden aro Trump logot be thakishe. Thursday sam dak te Biden toh 72 million oper votes paikena thakishe. 2016 saal te Hillary Clinton paa logot 8 million para besi ase. Etai dak te Trump toh 68.5 million votes paikena ase. Aro etu Republican pithor te sobse besi ase.
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