
Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan navy laka vice chief laka position lui shae

May 1, 2024: Wednesday din deh Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan, Indian Navy laka vice chief position took over kuri shae. Tai position tho lui nah ekta key role tho fill kuri shae kuto agae deh Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi para duri taki shae. Tai Tuesday din deh country laka navy chief position deh charge assume kuri shae. Swaminathan tho National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla; the Joint Services Command and Staff College, Shrivenham, the United Kingdom; the College of Naval Warfare, Karanja; aro the United States Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island laka ekta alumnus ase. National War Memorial deh ekta floral wreath rakhi nah tai para Indian laka fallen heroes keh tribute di shae. Tai July,1 1987 deh Indian Navy deh commission hui shae. Officer tho communication aro electronic warfare deh ekta specialist ase aro taila career deh alak alak key appointments kan duri shae. Tateh Navy’s chief of personnel, controller of personnel services and chief of staff of the Mumbai-based Western Naval Command ase. Taila agae appointments kan tho etu kan ase: command of missile vessels INS Vidyut and INS Vinash, missile corvette INS Kulish,  guided missile destroyer INS Mysore, aro aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.