3rd Mon District Task Force meeting Immunization of Measles-Rubella (MRVC) nimete Deputy Commissioner Office Chamber 20th September 2018 te loishe .Etu bi DC Mon, Thavaseelan K, IAS laga chairmanship bithor te .Etu meeting Measles-Rubella Campaign laga kotha khan koishe etu vaccination campaign toh kinika bhal pora lobo district te .Etu campaign toh 3rd October 2018 pora shuru hobole ase . Dr.Imtijungshi Aier, DIO Mon, pora khobor dishe ki 62,038 bacha khan 9 moina pora 15 sal tak MR vaccine lobole ase.Etu district te 132 bosti aro towns khan aro 330 schools khan cover kuribo.Chief Medical Officer, Mon, Commanding Officer, 35 A/R, Mon, Superintendent of Police, Mon, District Programme Officer (UIP &RCH), Mon, District Education Officer, Mon, District Welfare Officer, Mon, District Public Relations Officer, Mon including representatives from, WHO,UNDP,UNICEF, Red Cross Society, District Planning Officer, ICDS, Mon and Executive Secretary, KBBB. President, Konyak Union, KNSK, KSU, Jama Masjid Committee, World Vision, Catholic Community, Hindu Community, Med ia representatives, Private Schools Union and Pastor KBCM khan meeting te ahise .

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