WEATHER | FEB 21, 2020: Northeast India te paani toh etia tak (January 1 till February 19) 17% para nagiri ase .Kotha kurile toh Arunachal Pradesh toh rain deficient 29% para ase.Aro etu te paani gira toh 41% Assam aro Meghalaya te deficient ase .Aro etu uporte Dusra charta regions NMMT (Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura) toh 29% para rain surplus ase.
Akhe tin din para isolated rain aro thundershower activities toh Assam aro Arunachal Pradesh te jai ase .Hoilebi paani gira laga intensity toh 24 hours te uthise.Arunachal Pradesh laga bishi wala jaka te paani logote snowfall khan bi hoi thakishe.
Etu weather activities laga reason toh Cyclonic Circulation Sub-Himalayan West Bengal te thaka nimete hoishe .Aro etu uporte Bay of Bengal laga southerly winds toh Northeast India laga jaka khan te moisture toh uthi ase.
Hoilebi enika nishena weather acitivities toh 24 hours tak chuli thakibo.Northeast India laga jaka khan te aro bi paani giribo aro thunderstorm activity khan ahibo February 24 and February 27 majhotte.Etu paani gira para maximum tak jabo etu paani gira nishena.
Etu fairly widespread toh dikhibole ase Western Disturbance aha nimete northeastern states laga foothills tak.Aro East Bangladesh aro neighboring areas te cyclonic circulation huwa nimete.
Etu nimete ami khan kubole pareh ki paani aro bi bishi bhal para ahibo Northeast India laga pura jaka te.
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