GUWAHATI , February 23, 2020: Indian Naval sailing vessels Mhadei and Tarini toh tayari kuri ase Bay of Bengal Offshore Sailing Expedition te jabole nimete Saturday din te Indian Naval Ocean Sailing Node Goa para.
Etu exepedition toh Rear Admiral SJ Singh, Commandant Naval War College, Goa para shuru kurishe .
Etu toh Indian Navy laga maiden major mixed crew sailing expedition thakibo crew composition paanchta naval officers etu te duita maiki officers thakibo ekta boat te.
Mhadei and Tarini toh 6,100 nautical miles laga distance thakibo aro sea te thakibo 55 din nimete.
Captain Vipul Meherishi, Skipper Tarini toh expedition leader thakibo aro Captain Atool Sinha toh Skipper Mhadei thakibo.
Etu dui jun toh accomplished yachtsman kun para naval aro desh nimete bhal naam anishe national and international level competitions te medal jitikena .
Etu voyage toh tin moina nimete ase aro etu te renewal energy laga harnessing dikhabole ase etu te wind energy thakibo etu boats khan chulabole nimete.
Etu expedition toh GoI mission ‘Nari Shakti’ laga ase etu para maiki officers khan ke mota khan nishena opportunity deh.
Etu expedition para littoral nations majhotte Bay of Bengal te cooperation aro camaraderie laga level uthabole nimete eut bi ocean sailing laga domain te Indian Navy’s expertise dikhaikena.
Etu sailing vessels etu expedition laga part nimete Phuket, Yangon, Chittagong and Colombo laga port te rukhabole ase kuntu te alag alag state officials khan logote kotha kuribo etu te harbour sorties visiting dignatories nimete.
Mhadei and Tarini ke Indian Navu te February 8, 2009, aro February 18, 2017, te shuru kurishe.
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