
Assam: Dholpur firing incident te hearing

AGENCIES: Darrang DC Prabhati Thaosen  para ek moina  pi chede magisterial  inquiry   nimete hokum  dishe etu bi minority  community laga duita  manu  mura pichede police  firing te etu  bi security personne logote dholpur assam  sipajhar  area  te   chamela ola picede.etu   te district administration para November 7 aro 8 darek diseh   etu hadsaa laga hearing nimete.

Ekta  notification  dc para diya  toh Thursday  din te koikena janaidiya thakishe  darrang district  administration  khan para 07/11/2021 and 08/11/2021 darek fixed kurishe   etu  hearing  aro  recording   testimony  aro  statement  nimete manu aro organization khan para September  23  laga  hadsaa niemte juwa moina laga  eviction drive  te   dholpur  sipajhar  revenue  circle te etu para duita manu murishe.

Etu notification te koikena janaishe district magistrate  Prabhati thaosen  para magisterial inquiry  kurishe etu  hadsaa din te.

 Official   order   District Magistrate laga office para diya  hisaab te eyewitnesses/interested persons khan ke  koikena janaishe  testify  nohoile  statement  toh record kuribole niemte  etu  hadsaa district te of District Development Commissioner Subhalakshmi Deka Conference Hall Block Development Office Sipajhar development block November 7 and 8 between 10:30 am aro 2:30 p te thakishe.

Duita  protestors toh murishe aro  bishi wala  manu khan etu te police personnel toh jhokom paishe etu chamela huwa te police aro local manu khan majhotre dholpur gorukhuti area darrang district  te September 23 te.

Etu chamela ola toh ekta samay te thakishe etu  bi ekta security personnel team khan etu area te jaa toh etu enroachers khan ke hatabole nimete.

Komti hoilebi 800 ghor manu khan ke  ghor nathaka hoishe etu bi  assam  government  khan  massive  eviction drive luwa pichede Dholpur Gorukhuti village Darrang district te.