
Assam: Dibrugarh, te army flag march kurishe

DIBRUGARH , December 13, 2019  : Assam chief minister thaka jaka district dibrugarh    te law aro order situation thik nahuwa nimete security uthaishe.

District  te law aro order thik thak thakibole nimete  curfew toh imposed kurishe.Army khan flag march kuri thakishe    district laga sensitive areas khan te.

anti-CAB protesters khan para   Mancotta road bondh  kuri dishe ghass khan phangai aro julaikena   aro tyres bi julaidikena  hours nishena   aro BJP government laga khilaaf hala kuri thakishe .

Security forces khan tear gas khan fire kurikena   protestors khan ke target kurishe.Police official koishe ki  “protestors khan para   bishi bus khan biya kuridishe   ASTC bus terminus Chowkidinghee te .Ami khan miscreants laga khilaaf strict action loi ase  .Ami khan khobor pai ase ki kunba third party khan   etu phangaidiya hadsaa te thakishe.”

Etu anti CAB protestors khan para Dibrugarh te  RSS office te hamlaa kurikena  duita motorcycle julaidishe .

Etu protesters khan para office   laga duita rooms bondh kurishe aro etu room te thaka khan   phangaidishe  .

Etu hadsaa huw jaka te thakikena bi police khan okobi kuribole paranai   etu mob khan ke rukhabole nimete  .

Union minister for food processing and industries Rameswar Teli’s residence Tipling Chariali Duliajan te anti-CAB protesters khan para hamlaa kurishe.

Etu protesters khan para tai khan laga ghor te petrol bomb marishe.Tai khan  tai laga ghor julai dibole kosish kurishe  hoilebi police khan para tai khan ke rukhaidishe.

police aro anti-CAB protesters khan majhotte chamela olaishe etu te  13 manu khan etu te officer-in-charge Duliajan police station, Rupjyoti Dutta bi jhokom paishe .

Assam Medical College and Hospital (AMCH) te jhokom paa manu khan ke luijaishe aro tai khan hospital te treatment loi ase.

Etu protesters khan para Dulijan  te ekta ambulance phangaidishe.Etu protesters  para aro bi Chabua branch United Bank of India ke jui lagaidishe.

Hijuguri  Tinsukia district te bi charta dukaan te jui lagaidishe.