
Assam te 19 jun thurishe

GUWAHATI | September 23, 2018: Assam’s Karimganj district  te komti hoilebi 19 jun thurishe   .Etu bi ekta maiki ke lengta kurikena mircha halidishe tai laga jaka te punishment dikena .Etu bi  modu bikhri kura nimete .Etu chamela toh Assam-Mizoram border laga tribal bosti September 10 te hoishe .Etu khobor janaa toh ekta video etu chamela laga social media Friday  te .Etu video saa pichede janishe etu hamlaa kura manu toh bishibak maiki khan thakishe. Karimganj Chief Judicial Magistrate’s court, te etu maiki pora case file kurishe .Hoilebi tai pora naam khan okobi kuwanai .Etu din te tai khan mui laga ghor te ghussikena mui ke lengta kurikena marishe ,”Etu maiki toh mota nathaka ase aro tai laga mota laga ama baba logote bui ase . Assam Director General of Police Kuladhar Saikia koishe etu maiki ke police khan logote jabole dianai .Ami khan pora 19 jun ke thurishe dui din te.Etu laga main culprits khan ke joldi hi thuribo.”Tai koishe. Karimganj Superintendent of Police Gaurav Upadhyay, kuwa hisaab te etu bosti manu khan etu maiki ke bodnam kurishe modu bikhri kura thaka nimete.Hoilebi chan bin kura pichede janibo etu hamlaa toh kile hoishe ,”tai koishe.”Etu hamlaa kura manu logote ekla hi nohoikena police khan pora Information Technology Act bithor kun khan pora etu video toh social media te olaishe etu khan uporte action lobole ase .Mr  Upadhyay koikena janaishe. BJP-ruled Assam te bishi bak enika hoishe .Komti hoilebi 11 jun ke thurikena ase  Biswanath district juwa moina te  manu ekjun ke muraidiya karne aro tin jun ke jhokom kuraidiya karne guru chor kura manu ase bhabikena.