
Assam’s Dr. Pranab J Patar ke Green Future Leadership Award and Water Leadership Award saman dishe

GUWAHATI: chief executive of Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness, Dr. Pranab J Patar  ke Green Future Leadership Award and Water Leadership Award dishe. Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness toh ekta New Delhi Indo-US environmental charity ase.

Tai ke  National CSR Leadership Congress laga  7th edition     World CSR Day & World Sustainabilityin Taj MG Road, Bengaluru  Wednesday te luwa te dishe.

Dr. Pranab J Patar, kun Morigaon     assam para thaka toh tai ke  awards khan dishe    etu bi leadership diya nimete   innovative aro  bhal  solution bonabole nimete  etu  bi   humanity khan para   dukh  paa  social  environmental  challenges nimete.

Tai ke etu award tohNicolas Bockhoff, chief operating officer, SUEZ India; Dr. R. L. Bhatia, founder, World CSR Day & World Sustainability; Jason Fernandes, founder, TokenJay TV, Manoj Balachandran, head, CSR-IBM India & South Asia; Dr Anupama Shetty, mission director, Biocon India Foundation and Anupama Nidhi, head, CSR, Hindustan Zinc Ltd laga samne te dishe.

Dr  pranab para jury ke dhandyaabad koikena janaishe  samay te koikena janaishe  etu awards toh okobi nai   hoilebi ekta lagi thaka recognition ase  environment  aro sustainability  kaam  nimete ase tai khan kosish kura toh national  level te uthabole nimete.

India, te Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) toh development  projects khan te support kurishe  areas khan etu te education, poverty, environment, sanitation, gender equality, and hunger   etu   bi lagi thaka  aro   dukhia manu khan ke   modot kurishe desh te.

CSR amendment    Companies Act, 2013 bithor te  khushi paikena  kuntu toh 2014 te shuru  kurishe    etu para india  ke sobse wlaa  akhe  wala desh bonaishe CSR kuribole diya toh business nimete.

Leading Mumbai based group – World CSR Day & World Sustainability toh common platform di ase   etu   sob khelari  ke CSR ecosystem nationally te  aro  individual aro institutions  khan ke chinibole niemte tai khan laga  kaam nimete  CSR based/supported social and environmental initiatives hosa bonaidiiya nimete.