
Australian Hall of Fame all-rounder Alan Davidson murishe

AGENCIES: Alan Davidson, first player to 100 runs aro  10 wickets single Test match te bona  aro luwa toh 92 umar te murishe.etu khobor toh  cricket Australia  para  Saturday  din te khobor dishe.

New South Wales all-rounder, a left-arm swing bowler kun para 186 wickets aro 1328 runs  bonaishe tai laga career te  44 test  khelishe  Australia  nimete  aaro  tai ke International Cricket Council’s Hall of Fame2011 te anishe.

“Alan Davidson’s  mura  toh ekta mondukh kotha ase austalia  circket aro cricket nimete duniya te”etu khobor toh CA chair Richard Freudenstein  para statement te koikena janaidya thakishe.

Alan toh    ekta   bhal figure thakishe  game  te  etu te ekta bhal klhleari  thakishe  Australia  aro nsw  ke  represent  kura toh  hoilebi etu nimete   tai nam kama toh administrator, mentor and benefactor  hoikena.

Alan logote skill aro   spirit thaka toh circket nimete aro jeevan  nimete bhal ase game nimete.tai toh ekta  bhal example thakibo    sob khelari nimete kun tai logote jaishe.

Davidson toh tai laga  test debut toh  Australia niemt 1953 ashes series te thakishe aro 1960s te tai toh akhe wlaa  khealri thakishe 10 wickets aro 100 runs bona toh ekta  single test te.

Haath phangikena  khelikena Davidson toh 80 bonaishe Brisbane laga final din te Australia ke  modot kuribole nimete west indies logote draw kuribole nimete.

Retirement  huwa pichede Davidson toh paanch sal Australian  test selector  1979 para 1984 tak thakishe.

Etu  Members Pavilion Sydney Cricket Ground laga  flag kuntu te  davidsoin   to trustee thakishe 20 sal nimete   half mast te luijaishe   saman dibole nimete.

Tai    mura toh    ek din akhe te thakishe  etu bi Ashley  mallet Australian  laga  bhal spin bowlers  toh Adelaide te cancer  para mura pichede hoishe.