Headlines National

CDS Bipin Rawat morise military helicopter kira te

Agencies, 08 December: Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat aro tai laga maike Madhulika Rawat toh 13 jun mora khan majote morishe. Etu toh wedneday, 08 Dec, 2021 te Tamil Nadu te Cooroor osor te IAF Mi-17V5 helicopter kira bechite. Etu khobor toh Indian Air Force para official tweet te janaishe.

Gopal nathaka hatsa te Gen Bipin Rawat, Mrs Madhulika Rawat aro tusara 11 jun board te thaka mora toh janishe.

CDS Bipin Rawat aro tai laga maike logote 14 jun board te thaka laga te 13 jun mora toh confirm hoise. General Rawat toh India’s first Chief of Defence Staff be hoi aro tai toh Wellington, Tamil Nadu te Defence Services Staff College te lok koribole thakise. CDS Bipin Rawat toh Staff Course laga students officers aro faculty logote lok koribole thakise. Helicopter toh Coonoor osor, Nigiris District te kera thakise.

Gen Bipin Rawat toh Wellington nemite Sulur Airbase para chara thakise aro tai logote tai laga maike Madhulika Rawat, SO Lieutenant Colonel Harjinder, DA Brigadier LS Lidder, toh tusara deffence officials majote thakise helicopter kira te. Ekala jinda howa Group Captain Varun Singh toh jokhom powa nemite Military Hospital in Wellington, Tamil Nadu te treatment loi ase.

PM Modi para Gen, Rawat ke outstanding soldier hisab te yaat korise

Prime Minister Modi para tweet te Gen. Bipin Rawat  laga bahadur te janaishe. PM Modi para Gen. Rawat ke toh ekta outstanding soldier, ekta hosha patriot (Indian Armed Forces te modernising nemite besi motob kora) hisab te yaat korise.

PM Modi para tai mora toh ami nemite ektum mondukh hoise koikena Om Shanti/RIP koise.

Late Gen. Rawat aro tai laga maike ke December 10 te jolaidebo/cremated

Late CDS General Bipin Rawat aro tai laga maike Madhulika Rawat ke toh Delhi Cantonment jaga te December 10 (Friday) te jolaidebo. Tai khan laga mortal toh national capital te ekta military plane te Thursday evening para ponjibole bhabona ase. Bodies toh tai khan laga khor te Friday te annibo aro manu khan para tai khan laga last respects toh 11 am to 2 pm te debole nemite manibo. Etu bechite funeral procession toh Kamraj Marg para suru Brar Square crematorium, Delhi tak thakibo.