
Delhi te 4 Omicron cases thurishe

New Delhi:Thursday din Delhi te Omicron variant 4 cases paishe, etu khobor toh city Health Minister, Satyendar Jain para janai thishe. Etu melaikena National Capital te Omicron variant coronavirus cases toh 10 hoishe aro India te 77 cases te othishe. “etu 10 cases pithor te 1 toh discharged hoishe aro 9 jun toh itya be LNJP Hospital te elaj kori ase. Kaun manuh be serious nahoi,” koikena Delhi Health Minister,  Satyendar Jain para koishe. Tai aro koishe ke, 40 jun toh Lok Nayak Hospital te special facility te admitted hoikena ase aro etu hospital te isolation aro notun Covid variant suspect cases thaka khan ke elaj kora jaga ase. Minister para koishe, international travelers besi jun ke Indira Gandhi International Airport pongcha samai Covid positive thuri ase. “etu neshina 8 jun manuh toh aji (Thursday) hospital te admitted korishe,” tai para koishe. Tuesday din te, Jain para koishe ke, Omicron variant coronavirus toh itya dak community spread nahoikena ase aro halat toh contol te ase. Omicron-positive bemari manuh khan be bhal wala ase. Olop din akhe, Jain para koishe ke government toh jodi coronavirus variant toh spread hoishe koile tayar te bohi ase. Delhi te Omicron variant 1st bemar manuh toh 37 umer Ranchi para ase, tai toh Monday din COVID-19 negative tui(2) paar tested kora nemite discharged hoishe, koikena officials para khobor toh janaishe. Notun hokom te, “at-risk” countries para aha passengers logot RT-PCR tests loboli toh mandatory ase.” Etu oper te dosura countries para flights passengers khan logot andaz para tested kora toh 2 per cent ase koishe.