
Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat programme bithor te Delhi Sikkim logote ase

GANGTOK | FEB 20, 2020:Central government’s Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat programme para India  unity aro diversity  toh promote kuri thakishe desh te.

Sikkim ke  toh Delhi logote milikena ase etu programme bithor  te .Juwa haafta February moina   Chemchey  South Sikkim etu campaign nimete  kuntu te  komti hoilebi 250 youth and 38 cultural troops khan perform kuribole ase.

Language learning sessions, cultural performances etu te classical dances, folk music aro  art, aro craft aro costume exhibitions khan bi plan kurikena ase.

Etu events khan para nationwide  opportunities khan create kuribole ase youth khan nimete caste, creed and culture tai khan nijor nijor laga difference ke appreciate kuribole nimete aro sense  of unity promote kuribole nimete ase.Sikkim  youth nimete etu camp toh ekta opportunity Delhi’s culture and tradition explore kuribole nimete   aro tai khan nijor laga lifestyle khan dikhabole nimete ase.