
Exercise kura lah ki lap asey.

Exercise tho ekta physical activity asey kutu apuni lah muscles kae kam kuriwoley dae aro  apuni lah body kae require kurey burn kuriwoley. Exercise lah alak lak type asey, such as swimming, running, jogging, walking aro dancing.  Exercise khan bishi benefits asey health aro well being kanrey, both physically aro mentally,

Exercise kanrey one of the obvious benefits tho, etu pra apuni kae ekta healthy weight maintain kuriwoley dae  nohoily weight bhi lose kuriwoley de apuni overwight nohoiley onsese thakiley. Exercise pra metabolic rate increase kuri dae, which means apuni calories aro burn kurey, kitya apuni rest kurey. Exercise pra bhi apuni kae matet kurey muscle mass build aro preserve kuriwoley, kutu pra apuni lah metabolism kae further boost kuriwo aro apuni kae aro toned aro fit dikhawo. Studies pra dikhaishae ki aerobic exercise kae resistance taining lokodae combine kuriwoley, etu pra apuni dae fat loss maximize kuriwoley apriwo aro muscle mass maintain kuriwoley pariwo.

 Exercise lah aro ekta benefit tho etu pra apuni lah mood aro mental health improve kuriwoley diwo. Exercise pra stress anxiety aro depression kae komti kuri dae , stress hormones kae komti kuri kina like cortisol aro adreline aro endorphina lah levels kae increase kuri kina, kutu ekta natural painkiller aro mood enhancer asey. Exercise pra bhi nutun brain cells lah growth kae stimulate kuriwoley parey aro brain function aro memory improve kuriwoley parey. Exercise pra apuni kae kushi fee; kuriwoley dae, more confident aro life ah challenges dae more resiliently cope kuriwoley dae.

Exercise lah ekta third benefit tho etu pra nishi chronic bemar lah risk kae lower kurey aro apuni lah overll health kae improve kurey. Exercise pra apuni lah heart, lungs, bones, joints aro immune system strengthen kuriwoley parey. Etu pra apuni lah blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar aro inflammation level komti kuriwoley parey. Etu pra diabetes, heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis aro alak cancer conditions nishina kae prevent aro manage kuriwoley parey. Exercise pra apuni kae matet kurey lamba jeevan thakiwoley aro premature death lah risk kae reduce kurey.

In Conclusion, exercise tho apuni nihor kanrey bhaal saman asey. Etu pra apuni lah weight lose kurey nohoiley health weight maintain kuriwoley dae, apuni lah mood aro mental health improve kuriwoley dae , chronic biman lah risk komti kurey dae aro apuni lah overall health improve kuri dae. Apuni intense nohoiley lamba  workout kuriwoley nelagey, etu benefits enjoy kuriwoley. Moderate nohoiley low intensity exercise bhi 150 minutes per week kuriwoley pareily ekta difference panawoley apriwo.

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