
Governor Kohima Mega Dance Fiesta te

Governor of Nagaland, Shri PB Acharya pora 20th October 2018 te guest of honour hoikena  State Academy Hall, Kohima  te luwa Kohima Mega Dance Fiesta Grand Finale laga award ceremony te ahise.Etu ceremony te kotha kuwa time te Governor pora sob manu ke  ki profession chunilebi tai khan laga best dibi  .Kaam khan thik thak pora kurishe koile toh success pabo . Governor Acharya pora student khan ke    mati ena  tai khan ke thik thak pora pudibi koishe  .Etu pichede Governor Acharya pora   Puchong Thai, Prachi aro  Kanili kun pora jitishe 1st runners up aro 2nd runners paishe tai khan ke award dishe .Etu Kohima Mega Dance Fiesta toh Univibes pora Ineffable Quive Dance Crew logote milikena loishe  .Etu pura din lamba fiesta te  dance crews, cosplay, beatbox battles, rap battles, khan peform kurishe  . Kripa Foundation pora Drug Abuse Awareness uporte kotha koishe .