Nagaland Peren

Heningkunglwa Te Block Level Anaemia Awareness Aro Screening Camp

PEREN: Department of Social Welfare, Jalukie ICDS Project khan para  block level anaemia awareness and screening camp Heningkunglwa Village Council Hall  Peren District bithor te  8th September, 2021 te loishe etu  te CDPO Jalukie, Namhuheing toh resource person thakishe.etu  camp laga objective toh   anaemia laga kotha  khan janaidibole nimete ase  community  khan  majhotte aro etu luwa toh Poshan Maah (1st – 30th September, 2021) laga  ek moina lamba   celebration nimete ase etu toh September moina  te  loi.

Etu screening camp nahoa akhe te  ekta chotu  programme toh loishe etu te CDPO Jalukie  para action plan, target group, goals aro objectives Rashtriya Poshan Maah, 2021  laga  kotha kurishe.

Etu nimete tai para Village Councils, AWWs aro stakeholders khan  para modot mangishe  etu bi   bhal para  ek moina  lamba  celebration programme chulabole nimete ase.

Tai para aro bi  ek jun manu laga  gao thik thak thakibole nimete laga  importance uporte kotha  kurishe aro balance thakibole nimete aro bi hygienc thakibole nimete laga toh kotha kurishe.etu uporte  CDPO para manu khan aha ke koikena janaishe    thik thak khaa luwa khabole   ekta thik thak jeevan thik thakibole nimete  janaishe.

Etia etu programme te District Programme Assistant, PMMVY Peren para  aro bi Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandhana Yojana (PMMVY) uporte kotha kurishe.etu programme toh Supervisor Jalukie, Kalivi Zhimomi para loishe.