Headlines Nagaland

Interactive Session Loishey, Itu Economic Advisory Council To The Prime Minister Laga Member Logotey, Phek Town Tey

October 30, 2023 : Ekta interactive program toh hoiley organised kurishey, itu Phek laga District Administration para, Phek laga Government College logotey, entrepreneurs khan ke eke logotey ani kena, Phek Town para, ekta discussion nimitey, Sanjeev Sanyal logotey, kun toh hoiley itu Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister laga Member asey. Iru event toh hoiley itu Phek town laga DPDB laga Hall tey para loishey, 28th October, 2023 tey.

Itu program laga homoi tey, Sanjeev Sanyal para tai laga primary objective toh share kurishey, itu district ke visit kuriboley nimitey, kuntu toh hoiley local entrepreneurs khan logotey engage kuriboley laga asey aru ground tey ki hoi asey itu laga valuable insight toh janiboley. Tai para firsthand tey para he bujiboley aim kurishey, existing infrastructure laga, business opor tey, utu khan para  toh hoiley laab hoi asey na nai koi kena, nahoiley challenges posed kurishey. Sanyal para tai laga specific interest express kurishey, kisim kisim business khan operate kuria lag aitu district tey, itu challenges tai khan face kuria toh, aru keneka itu central government toh address kuriboley paribo itu issue khan. Tai para itu bhi emphasize kurishey, road connectivity laga importance opor tey, entrepreneurs nimitey, aru ekta Customer Clearance Office laga establishment suggest kurishey, Dimapur Airport tey, products khan laga export toh facilitate kuriboley.

Aru itu logotey, Sanyal para itu district laga manu khan ke encourage kurishey, explore kuriboley, eco-tourism initiatives khan, homestays khan bhi milai kena, trekking aru adventure sports khan, aru tai khan laga development nimitey support offer kurishey. Tai para Naga youth khan ke bhi matishey alag alag jaga khan tey kaam kuria khan ke, itu country bhitor tey, ekta core group form kuriboley consider kuriboley, tai khan itu state tey wapas aha homoi tey, tai khan laga business experience aru global connection khan toh leverage kuri kena.