Headlines International

Kabul school osor te besi blasts, 7 bacha khan jokhom paise

Agencies, 19 April: Educational centers te blasts target kora para komti hoilebe seven bacha khan jokhom paise Tuesday te Afghanistan alga capital city te. Komti hoilebe tinta bombs mara khobor hoise. Kabul police spokesman Khalid Zadran aro city’s Emergency Hospita hisab te, blasts toh joldi howa thakise, besi bacha khan ke jokhom powa thakise aro moribole pari bhoi howa thakise. Blast toh Abdul Rahim Shaheed High School osor te aro education center pithor te howa thakise. Etu blast laga zamidari kon para be kowa nai. Etu jaga te poila Afghanistan laga deadly Islamic State affiliate para be target kora thakise.