Kiphire Nagaland

Kiphire DPDB Meeting loise

Kiphire, 08 May: Monthly Kiphire District Planning & Development Board meeting toh MLA and Chairman DPDB, C. Kipili Sangtam laga chairmanship under te loise. Etu meeting toh 5th of May 2023 te DC’s conference hall, Kiphire jaga te loise.

Members ke kotha korikena, Chairman para heads of offices te strict attendance nemite yaat delaise. Tai para agenda/proposals toh concerned department HODs para thek reports logote submit koribo laki koise.

Members para proposal te kotha kora toh Kiphire te De- Addiction Rehabilitation Centre bonabole opor te thakise. PHC Longy ate Land Owner Right nemite representation toh next meeting te putli korise kelay koile applicant laga absence nemite. Meeting samai te notun agends mana te- rasta (metaling aro black topping) maintain koribole alak alak jaga Kiphire town area te, Kiusam aro Mimi Circle te police outposts bonabole, Pungro Sub-Division te SDPO post bonabole, Police department Kiphire laga personnel melabole, Ministry of Tribal Affairs under te Community hall toh New Risethsi te bonabole aro Sub-District Industries Centre toh Seyochung te bonabole. Concerned department te direct korise proposal te rakhibole. House para be meeting samai te notun heads of offices te welcomed korise: Holongba Sangtam S.S NST Kiphire, Chikuotho Nyusuo GM DIC Kiphire aro Enibemo Shitio SDEO Seyochung ke. Deputy Commissioner Kiphire, Wati Aier, NCS para welcome note deshe.