
Marvel Studios para animated ‘X-Men’, ‘Spider-Man’, ‘Marvel Zombies’ series nimete khobor dishe

AGENCIES,14 NOVEMBER: Marvel Studios  para khobor dishe company toh tai khan  laga animated series laga  slate toh uthai ase  Disney  plus niemte etu te tinta  nutun shows ‘X-Men ’97’, ‘Spider-Man: Freshman Year’, and ‘Marvel Zombies’ thakikena.etu bi Disney para  20th Century Fox in 2019, aro ‘X-Men’ movie  thakishe  etu  te   ‘Dark Phoenix’ and ‘The New Mutants’  paishe etu  te  bishi wala bhabona kurishe  marvel studios toh x-men  toh reboot kuribole nimete aro  marvel cinematic  universe te annibole niemte  .etu  khobor toh variety.com  para  koikena janaidiya  thakishe.

Etu te  first  swinmg  noloikena team te  kara  wala  mutant superheros laga  te company toh   tai khan laga original kisaa xmen 97 te   etu  toh beloved 1990s ‘X-Men’ animated serieslaga continuation thakibo kuntu toh five seasons chulishe fox network  te  1992 para 1997 tak.

Eetu  show kuntu  toh primetime te debut  kurishe  Saturday   phujur te najaa akhe te ekta bhal ase  etu te  convincing 20th Century Fox  nimete aro etu live-action ‘X-Men’ movie, nimete etu toh shuru kurishe mordern  era  superhero cinema te etu toh 2000 te olaishe.

Etu te ekta associate produces film te   etuia current Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige. ‘X-Men’ animated series, Marvel Studios  khan nathakikena   marvel studios toh nathakibo, Beau DeMayo, Netflix’s animated ‘The Witcher’ spin-off ‘Nightmare of the Wolf’ likha toh   head writer thakiiibo xmen97 te.etu show toh 2023 te olabole ase.

‘Spider-Man: Freshman Year’, toh  mcu  logote milibo aro etu para  marvel deeper history thaka toh aesthetic approach kurkkena  press release hisaab te.character ke celebrate kureh comic book roots  logote.