
Meghalaya: East Khasi Hills te Week-long night curfew lagaishe

JULY 20, 2020: East Khasi Hills district te   COVID19 positive cases uthi thak a nimete night curfew khan halikena ase July 20-27  tak.

Etu  night curfew toh  9 pm to 5 am tak thakibo.etu curfew kura toh   ekta preventive aro mitigation  measures nimete ase  etu bi chinikena kara steps khan lobole nimete  etu pandemic toh rukhabole nimete  East Khasi Hills district te aro Meghalaya te  kara para contact tracing, testing, quarantine, isolation  chulaikena  aro   kara protocols chulabole  nimete  Meghalaya government kha   health department khan logote advisories khan diya pichede.

East Khasi Hills district te hi komti hoilebi sob milaikena  343 positive cases olaishe.etu night curfew toh district magistrate para East Khasi Hills Section 144 CrPC, bithor te halidishe Regulation 3  Meghalaya Epidemic Diseases, COVID-19 Regulations, 2020 te puda hisaab te .

District magistrate para koishe etu order toh security forces, medical teams on duty, wholesale and retail pharmacies, police and armed forces, fire & emergency service, MeECL, NEEPCO and Power Grid, food and civil supplies department, FCI, PWD, PHE and Shillong Municipal Board  khan nimete nathakibo.

Postal service, telecom, communications and IT services, press, print and electronic media, petrol pumps including Indian Oil Corporation, essential services including health services, hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, veterinary clinics, labs and online/home food delivery khan ke  etu order te exempt kurishe.

Hoilebi food    laga home delivery toh  10 pm tak hi thakibo. Authorized workshops aro  designated spare parts dealerships health department aro government officials duty te thaka khan nimete.

Etu service khan toh kara para sob protocosls   aro procedures khan etu te  social distancing   field staff  komti kuribole aro government laga dusra advisories  khan health department para diya te manibole lageh.

Gaari khan essential goods, security forces, medical equipment thurikena bera aro  trucks khan bona   dukaan khan highway te khulibole dibo.

Hoilebi drivers aro attendants khan    medical  screening khan kuribole lagibo   protocols diya hisaab te .