
Putin: US banned missiles Banaile, Russia Bhi Banabo

MOSCOW (AP) — Wednesday te Russian President Vladimir Putin koishe judi United States key arms treaty laga hesab para no choli kena ban missiles develop korile, Russia bhi eki(same) koribo. Putin Wednesday te Russian news agencies ke etu kotha koishe. Etu toh U.S. Secretary of States Mike Pompeo NATO meeting te kotha kora pichote Mr. Putin para koishe. Mr. Pompeo NATO meeting te koishe Washington toh sob obligations under Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty(INF) toh 60 days te suspend koribole ase koishe. U.S. intelligence evidence NATO allies khan logote share korishe. Etu evidence te Russia laga notun SSC-8 ground-para cruise missile fire kura para Moscow ke nuclear strike Europe te notice nokuri kena hamla koribole opportunity de . Russia etu inzam mana korishe.President Donald Trump etu saal agote INF para decision withdraw koribole announce korishe. Putin Wednesday United States opor te inzam dishe ke United States toh excuses banai ase. United States toh key arms treaty para olai jabole plan korishe. Etiya reasons bishari ase tai khan kile etu koribo lagi ase. Mr. Piutin koishe etiya American partners khan koi ase situation change hoishe aro US toh etu type laga hatiyar thaki bole lage koi ase. Gen. Valery Gerasimov, chief of staff of the Russian military foreign military meeting te koishe Russian jawab dibole warn korishe aro koishe ke U.S. intermediate-range missiles host kora desh khan toh Russia laga immediate target hubo. 1987 te sign kora samay te, INF treaty toh global security laga major safeguard thakishe. Etu toh tai khan shorter-range missile eliminate kora pichote ase. Germany Russia ke treaty bachai lubo le koishe. Germany toh US logote close rishta ase aro Germany toh hodai treaty bachabole interest ase. Government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer Wednesday te Berlin te koishe INF treaty Europe laga security laga dangor sign ase koishe.