
Syria te US base te tusara par rockets hamla

Agencies, 26 March: Syria te US base te Iran-backed forces para tusara par bhari hamla hoise. Etu ek din agae te Washington para retaliatory airstrikes suru kora thakise.

Friday morning te, Al-Omar gas field of northeastern Syria  te multiple rockets toh Green Village base te struck howa thakise.

Major John Moore, a spokesperson for U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) para mora toh khobor howa thaka nai koise hoilebe ekta US service member toh jokhom powa thakise.

Pentagon para drone strikes toh Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps logote affiliated groups para thakise koise.

Hamla howa toh Us para Tuesday rati Iranian-backed fighters kelaaf retaliatory strikes suru kora bechae te ase. Etu agae te ekta drone strike para ekta US contractor morai deya thakise aro five Amercian service members ke jokhom powa thakise tusara contractor logote etu agae din te.

President Joe Biden kon Canada te ekta visit te thakise, Friday te Iran te warned kora thakise United States para Americans te bachabole nemite forcefully act kroibole.

Iran’s state Press TV hisab te Washington’s retaliatory attacks te Iranians kon ke be morai deya nai. Target toh Iran-aligned military post nahoi hoilebe ekta rural development centre aro ekta grain centre thaksie ekta military airport osor te.