
Thai PM Prayuth toh May te Re-election nemite contest koribo

Agencies, 26 March: Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha ke toh re-election nemite officially nominated kora thakise Saturday te. Etut oh desh laga next leader nemite May 14 te polls lobole lag ate tai party laga first candiate hisab te.

Prayuth, 69 toh tai laga notun United Thai Nation Party logote joli ase.

2014 te ketiya ekta civilian government te kabja korise, etu agae te power te thaka, ke toh 2019 te ekta civilian leader hisab te juna thakise.

Tai para tai laga next government toh tai laga current administration logote ekt steady hand aro slogan: “Have done, doing and will continue” logote kum kori thakibole koise.

Prayuth para ektum kum laga chese toh desh te defend koribole aro desh laga main institution te bahabole ase koise. Tai para be apuni para hotai kora nesana morom para tai ke biswas koribole koise.

Party leader Pirapan Salirathavibhaga ke toh prime minister nemite party’s No. 2 candidate hisab te nominate kora thakise.

Thailand’s election toh elite establishment aro pro-democracy forces majtoe ekta showdown hobole ase. Etu para besi saal nemite Southeast Asian country te politics te dominate korise.