
United Nations chief António Guterres toh Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky ke lok koribole ase

Agencies, 23 April: UN Secretary-General António Guterres toh ahibole hapta Russia aro Ukraine laga presidents logote alak alak te lok koribole ase. Tai toh shanti/peace nemite urgent, face to face pleas koribole ase. Etu khobor toh World body para Friday April 22 te koise. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov para Guterres toh Tuesday (April 26) te Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov logote lok koribo aro  Putin para be UN chief ke host koribo koise.

UN para Guterres toh Thursday (April 28) te Ukraine te jabole ase koise. Tai toh President Volodymyr Zelensky aro Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba ke sabole jabole nemite ase koise.

UN spokesperson Eri Kaneko  ppara tuita visits te Guteeres toh larai rokhabole aro manu khan ke safety pabole motob nemite etiya lobole steps opor te kotha koribole aims thakibole ase koise.

Guterres para Tuesday te presidents ke tai khan laga respective capitals te lok koribole kowa/hota thakise.

Guterres para Russia te larai toh rokhabole koise aro tai U.N laga top kaam te five saal te etu larai nemite saddest moment koise. Tai para Tuesday te four-day “humanitarian pause” nemite appeal kora thakise.

Tai para bloodshed aro destruction te rokha be aro dialogue aro peace nemite ekta window khulibe koise.

Guteeres para etu moina agae te Moscow aro Kyiv te UN laga top humanitarian official potha thakise. Etu toh ekta cease-fire opor te janibole nemite.

Hoilebe secretary-general ke questions lok powa toh shanti nemite tai nejor ke jabole/travel koribole opor te thakise. Etu par ekta letter te, former U.N officials para tai ke tai laga personal, public melibole nemite mata thakise.

Former Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon toh March 14 te Moscow aro Kyiv te talks aro diplomacy othabole kosish nemite lok kora thakise kelay koile Russia para Russia para Ukraine laga Crimean Peninsula te cubja nemite.