Headlines International

World Bank daiyar Sri Lanka te emergency support debole

Agencies, 21 April: World Bank toh Sri Lanka te economic dekthari samai emergency support debole aro komchor manu khan ke bachabole daiyar ase. Etu khobor toh Wednesday te global lender laga ekta senior official para kowa te ekta media report te koise. Sri Lanka bankruptcy te aro economic dekthari te ase. Tai khan dekthari powa toh Britain para 1948 te independence bechite para sobse dekthari powa ase. World Bank Vice President Hartwig Schafer toh Tuesday te Washington jaga te Sri Lankan Finance Minister Ali Sabry logote kotha kora thakise. Etu khobor toh Colombo Gazettee para Wednesday te khobor kroa thakise. US te Finance Minister Sabry para International Monetary Fund IMF aro World Bank laga annual spring meetings nemite ase. Schafer para tai khan economic crisis, support stabilization, aro recovery aro komchor manu khan ke bachabole opor te kotha kora thakise koise. Schafer para World Bank toh dukhiya aro komchor manu khan ke dekthari powa opor te ektum monn chinda hoise koise aro emergency motob essential medicines aro health-related supplies, nutrition, aro education nemite daiyar ase koise. Finance Minister be Monday te Washington jaga te International Monetary Fund (IMF) aro India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman logote kotha kora thakise. IMF para Sri Lanka te aji kali financial situation te komti koribole Finance Minister para steps daiyar lowa opor te janaise koise. IMF para Sri Lanka te pura support nemite assure korise aro Sri Lanka te support extend kora laga process joldi jaga koribole phal jawab paise koise. Island desh te toh history te ektum economic dekthari para experience hoise aro government para dekthari te sabole napara nemite desh te besi anti-government protests lowa thakise.

Tail, cooking gas, essentials te kami aro lamba samai power kata para public khan moina-moina nemite dekthari paise. Economic dekthari aro forex te kami nemite India para island desh te tail imports nemite India para USD 500 million laga credit deya thakise. India para etu par Sri Lanka te USD 1 billion line of credit debole janai deya thakise. Etu toh desh te economic dekthari te sabole financial assistance laga part hisab te. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa para government’s actions te defend korise aro foreign exchange te dekthari howa toh tai bona laga nahoi aro economic nama toh besi phak pandemic nemite desh laga tourism revenue te nama aro desh pithor te payment nama nemite ase koise.