

AGENCIES,14 NOVEMBER:  two-day long Inter-District Catch Them Young Tournament, Department of Youth Resources & Sports,  Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima12th November 2021 te khotiom kurishe.

Etu  te aha manu logote kotha kura smaay te Director, Youth Resources & Sports, Akumla Chuba  para koikena janaishe  ki sports toh competitiveness  aro sportsmanship nimete ase.tai para koikena janaishe bishi waal toh naam  kamaishe bhal sportsman nimete.tai para sob bhaagh luwa manu khan ke   etu tournament  te aha nimete janaishe ekta bhal huwa niemte aro  bhaagh luwa manu khan ke  bhaagh lobole niemte janaishe  tai kahn jaa toh  professionals hobole niemte.tai koikena janaishe ekjun toh talent ase hoilebi tai khan mondikena  train kuribole niemte   bhal hobole nimete.

Chuba  para khobor dishe ki departmne t  khan  enrollment kuribo athletes nimete discipline academy Dimapur aro  mondiya candidateskhan tai khan laga district sports officers ke contact kuribietu arrangement kuribole niemte.tai para bhaagh luwa manu khan ke etu tournament  te bhaagh lobole niemte janaishe  etu toh Youth Resources & Sports Department para future te lobole nimete.

boys singles badminton, Esibe (Peren), top honour Arkutong (Mokokchung) second te ahise.maiki laga category te . Ponlih (Mon), first place aro Imsusenla (Mokokchung) second place.  boys doubles badminton, Methiuthun and Kibanghen (Peren) first Hoto H Kinni and Mugha Kinni T (Zunheboto) second. girls doubles, first place Temennaro and Imsusenla Lkr (Mokokchung) Subenro M Ngullie and Meyisen Lkr (Dimapur)  second place jitishe.

Dimapur district  toh first position  thakishe 5 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze etu pichede  Peren won 4 gold,1 sliver, 3 bronze. Mon district third 3 gold and 3 silver jitishe.

Komti hoilebi sob milaikena 89  mota aro 78 maiki khan chunishe 12 districts  te  top honour nimete   badminton, table tennis and athletics te.