
Medziphema Winter Badminton Tourney khotom kurishe

AGENCIES,14 NOVEMBER:  1st Winter Badminton Tournament  Medziphema Town Youth Organization and Medziphema Town Students’ Union (MTYO & MTSU) ADC Medziphema  logote milikena  luwa  local MLA Zhaleo Rio, IAS (Retd.), Advisor, Sericulture, Excise & Minority Affairs, Govt of Nagaland,  logote milikena    12th Nov. evening Miathou Krose, Chairman, NHHDCL Nagaland, Special Guest closing ceremony te thakikena khotom kurishe.

Etu final results  tournament   te Champion: Meyiezo Pusa & Kenei Kera of New Medziphema (Jharnapani) Runners up: Yavikolie Vüprü & Atoka Swu of Ward-4, Medziphema Town khan ase.

Etu awards toh Racquet (worth  ₹ 4000/- each) + ₹ 3000/- cash champions nimete ase.aro runnerup toh Racquet (worth ₹ 2000/- each) + ₹ 2000/- cash khan ase.

Etu  racquets aro cash laga award toh local MLA Zhaleo Rio and Miathou Krose respectively.
  para sponsor kurishe.

Aro  ami  khan olaga   mla para nets  shuttle cocks etc khan dishe  tourney niemte.miathou  krose  para tshirts aro & Rs. 3000/- each for Semi-finalist teams khan niemte dishe.