Headlines International

50% opor European population para cannabis legalisation te support korise

Agencies, 07 April: European population laga adha para be besi para cannabis laga legalisation te support janaishe aro 30% nesana para etu kinibole interest howa janaishe. Etu khobor toh Thursday te industry consultants para polling data hisab te ase.

Europe laga liberal approach para besi financial aro economic laub hobo pari, United States te dekha nesana aro tati pandemic-induced lockdowns samai te cannabis jola otha dekhise.

Besi phak Europeans para cannabis shops regulated koribole support korise aro besi jun para be etu tai khan laga khor te nalabole janaishe. Etu khobor toh London-based consultancy Hanway aro pot producer Curaleaf International para khobor hisab te ase.

Etu khobor ahha toh agae hapta Friday te U.S. House of Representatives para marijuana te federal ban kothom koribole ekta bill passed kora bechite ase. Etu para legalised howa states te jola manu khan aro business kora khan nemite legal headaches bona thakise.

Boris Jordan, executive para U.S. based Curaleaf te tai kkhan European market te US para bechae three to four saal hisab te dekhise koise. Hoilebe hosha te shaile Europe toh United States agae reform te suru sweep koribo pari koise.

European desh khan te Germany be meli kena cannabis te limited medical purposed nemite legalised kora thakise aro tusara khan para general use te decriminalised korise. Malta toh first European desh khise cannabis te limited cultivation aro personal use nemite mana te.

European cannabis market toh annaual revenue te 3 billion euros opor ($3.27 billion) toh 2025 para hobole bhabona ase aro etu toh agae saal para 400 opor million euros para othise, research firm Prohibition Partners para khobor hisab te. Etiya tak continent te Germany toh sobse besi market te ase.

Joe Bayern, chief executive officer of Curaleaf para Germany te political desire aro monchor toh legalize recreational use nemite ase koise.