
Russian sepai khan Kyiv aro Chernihiv para pura hatishe

Agencies, 07 April: Ekta senior US defence official para Wednesday (April 6) te Russian forces toh Ukrainian areas capital city Kyiv osor aro northern city of Chernihiv para pura puri hatishe koise. Etu toh Belarus aro Russia te regroup koribole nemtie koise. Etu par khobor ola te, Russian sepai khan toh eastern Ukraine te focus koribole shift kori ase koise.

Official para tai khan Russian sepai khkan toh Kyiv osor te nahoile north of Kyiv te aro Chernihiv te aro etu opor te dekha nai koise.

Official para be tai khan etiya Russians toh north para Belarus aro Russia te refit aro resupply nemite jai thaka dekhise koise. Tai para be refit aro resupply hoi thaka toh dekhise koise.

Media report te be Russian sepai khan toh jawab deya te major cities te hamla kori ase koise. Official para larai bechae para 1,450 opor missiles toh Ukraine kelaaf suru korise koise.

Hoilebe official para tai khan Kyiv aro Chernihiv para pura hata te shai ase koise.