
NBSE Para Notifies Kurishey

January 08, 2023 : Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) para notified kurishey sob Heads of Registered Institutions aru stakeholders khan ke, itu information toh hoiley class IX aru X laga Mathematics aru Social Science textbook published kurishey aru itu textbook tey QR Code technology asey engaging aru interactive learning experience kuriboley karney aru itu para students khan laga learning improve hobo.

Itu textbooks khan toh separate QR Codes khan printed kurikena thakibo textbook tey sob laga nijey topics, sub-topics, activities, examples aru exercises tey questions khan tey. Itu QR Code tey scan kurikena students khan videos aru explanations khan babo aru repeatedly saboley paribo. Itu books khan toh Smart Textbooks khan koi aru itu para students khan learn kuriboley baribo anytime, anywhere aru itu para empower kuribo teachers khan ke additional resources khan provide kurikena.

Itu QR Codes khan toh versatile, simple aru adaptable tools asey. QR Code use kura laga aim toh hoiley National Education Policy 2024 karney asey technology aru learnings khan effective banaboley. Ity QR Code use kura para bacha khan ke motot kuribo digital literacy tey improve kuriboley aru concepts khan easily understand kuriboley. Itu para student’s khan ke prepare kuribo technology-driven future karney aru itu digital skill aru subject expertise para tai khan laga goal punchiboley motot kuribo.

Detailed instructions keneka QR Code use kuribo, sob teikena asey textbook tey.Sob Heads of Institutions khan ke request kurikena asey Smart Textbooks itu secondary level laga Mathematics aru Social Science textbook laga information students, teachers aru parents khan logo share kuriboley aru encourage kuriboley itu digital resources khan use kuriboley.