Headlines International

Nigeria te 100 opor morise

Agencies, 24 April: Southern Nigeria te illegal oil refinery te blast para besi manu khan joli kena morise pari bhoi howa koise NGO para Saturday te.

Police para blast howa opor te etu toh Friday te hoise koise hoilebe mora opor te khobor nadiya thakise.

Fyneface Dumnamene, Executive Director of Youths and Environmental Advocacy Centre (YEAC) para ground te besi bodies toh jolise aro tusara kon safety nemite polabole kosish korise tai khan konbah gash laga branches te hang thaka dekhise koise.

Local media khobor te 100 opor manu khan blast te morise koise.

Police para illegal refinery site te operators aro tai khan laga patrons toh business nemite jama howa thakise koise.

Rivers state police spokeswoman Grace Iringe-Koko  para AFP te eku khobor nadi kena hatsa toh Rivers aro Imo state majot boundary te hoise koise.

Illegal crude refining toh southern-oil region te common ase. Tai chor kora khan para crude tail chor koribole nemite pipelines te vandalise kori aro tai khan black market te bekhai koise.

Oil-producing Niger delta te besi phak manu khan poverty te thaki hoilebe continent te desh toh sobse besi tail olai aro ek din te two million nesana barrels olai koise.

Nigeria te pipeline te jui ola toh poor pipeline maintenance nemite common ase koise aro enaka toh chor khan nemite be hoi koise.

Poila petroleum products chor kora aro illegal refining nemite besi manu khan mora toh thakise koise.

Government laga desh laga oil resources te chor kora khan te rokhabole nemite Niger delta te military toh illegal refineries te raid koribole aro beya koribole nemite pothaise koise.