Headlines International

South Carolina te bondukh hamla para 9 jun ke dukh paise

Agencies, 18 April: South Carolina te Authorities para tai khan toh Sunday bhujor Hampton County jaga ekta club te bondukh hamla kora opor te investigate kori ase koise. Etu para komti hoilebe nine jun manu khan ke jokhom paise koise. Etu toh state te besi din bechite second dangor bondukh hamla kora thakise koise.

State Law Enforcement Division para email te Easter morning te ekta club Hampton County jaga te shooting para mora laga khobor toh thaka nai koise. Jokhom powa laga severity opor te joldi khobor toh thaka nai koise. SLED para Hampton County Sheriff’s Office ke investigate koribole nemite hotise koise. Hampton County toh west of Charleston para 80 miles nesana 129 km opor dur jaga te ase koise.

Etu agae din te bondukh hamla howa toh Columbiana Centre jaga te howa thakise aro tati polabole kosish kora samai te bondukh hamla para nine jun ke shot korise aro five jun ke jokhom powa thakise koise. Etu khobor toh Columbia Police Chief W.H. “Skip” Holbrook para Saturday te ekta news release te janai deya thakise. Victims ranged toh 15 to 73 omar ase koise. Columbia Police Department para 22 omar Jewayne M. Price ke arrest korise aro tai toh law enforcement para mall shooting te person of interest hisab te arrest kora tinta manu majote ase koise.

73 omar victim ke toh medical treatment pai ase hoilebe tusara victims ke toh local hospitals para charibo nahoile katha samai bechite chari debo koise. Etu opor te tai khan random bhabona nai koise. Holbrook para tai khan toh ekta ekta logote janishe bhabona ase aro bondukh hamla te konbah para led korise bhabona ase koise.