Category - Longleng

Longleng, Oct 21(DPRO):Longleng te parliamentry Secretary Eshak Hessum Konyak pora 20th october 2017 te Notun office under Art & culture department
department laga office inagurate koreshe.
Hessum konyak laga speech teh department kan ke nejor laga cultural history nahara bole, aru
jaawan manu kan logot be etu raast tikah bole koise. Etu kotah opor teh officer aru staff
kan logot be nejor lahka kaam (duties) phaal pora kuri bole koise.

Longleng Nagaland

Tobacco Products te Raid Longleng Town te

Longleng, 08 May: Longleng District Enforcement Squad team para National Tobacco Control Programme (COPTA) Act 2003 and Child Rights Protection under te, ekta surprise raid toh sales of tobacco products te loise. Etu toh longleng town pithor te 8th May 2023 te loise. District enforcement...

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