Headlines International

China para ‘zero-COVID policy’ te

Agencies, 13 April: Zero-COVID policy te kushi napowa kotha ola thaka samai te, China para Tuesday te tai khan laga etu coronavirus measures te bachaise/defended. Etu measures para besi Chinese cities te manu khan ke besi dekthari howa khobor hoise. Tuesday te press conference te, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian para desh laga “dynamic” zero-COVID policy aro  anti-epidemic protocol toh science aro expert opions te based ase koise.

Zhao para policies toh national realities aro WHO laga guiding principles logote consistent ase koise. Tai khan para Chinese laga life aro health te phal para bachaise aro China te foreign nationals thaka khan ke aro pandemic kelaaf global fight te kaam laga motob bonaise/korise koise. International community, WHO meli kena, tai khan ke highly kotha korise koise.

Etu jawab ahha toh China te European Union Chamber of Commerce para Covid lockdown nemite besi companies khan nemite dekthari hoise kowa bechite ase. German firms/companies laga adha nesana khan para ekta survey te tai khan laga supply chains te dekthari hoise koise. Aro desh laga Covid-19 policies te defend kori kena, Chinese spokesperson para konbah Chinese cities para ekta host of prevention aro control measures toh sporadic outbreaks laga jawab te defend korise koise.

Hoilebe etu measures para daily life aro production te olop dekthari korise koise. Efferct toh duration aro scope te limit korise koise. Tai para sob prevention aro control measures toh ekta daam/price te ahishe koi kena enaka measures para besi phak regions te moral jevaan aro production te enjoy koribole paribo koise.

Etu sob kosish toh manu khan laga jevaan aro health te bachabole nemite ase koise. Hosha prove howa toh, dynamic zero-COVID laga pura puri guidelines para China laga realities te thek fits hoise aro desirable results deshe koise.