
Education department khan MoU sign kurishe

AGARTALA | December 8, 2018 (UNI): Higher Education department  khan  Reliance Jio Infocom Limited (RJIL) logote Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) sign kurishe  .Etu bi government colleges aro higher learning institutions khan ke Wi-fi facility khan dibole karne digital learning facilities khan dibole nimete student aro teachers  khan nimete . Higher Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath koishe etu facilities toh joldi  etu facilities khan toh   institution khan te bi jabo  etu te kunba sites te jabole laga etu te  social media platform Chula toh komti thakibo.Sorkar khan plan kuri ase ekta e learning habit bonabole nimete students khan majhotte  tai khan class te jabole nimete.”Etu opportunity mobile internet aro e learning facilities  free Wi-fi campus bithor te Chula pora  students khan ke modot kuribo  aro bi pudibole nimete kunba topics khan te  class khan ten aha akhe te .MoU kuwa hisaab te Ek jun ekta Wi-FI cap pabo 1 GB 4g speed te hudai moina  .Etu facility toh  5 years nimete ase hoilebi 3 years pora uthaishe .RJIL khan survey kuribo government colleges khan te  aro telecom infrastructures khan  install kuribo char moina te  jaka hisab te . colleges/ educational institutions khan electricity khan dibo  etu Wi-Fi khan nimete laga toh.Mou sign kura toh  Union Ministry of Human Resources Development pora koikena kura ase  .Etu ekla hi nohoikena  ministry khan Tripura  laga kun colleges khan chunibo  Skill Development Lab bonabole karne .