Headlines Nagaland Zunheboto

Zunheboto te Anna Yojana & Public Distribution System manaishe

Zunheboto, 23 April: PMGKAY scheme  te cover kori kena aro ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’  laga part hisab te, Anna Yojana & Public Distribution System (PDS) manibole nemite ekta programme toh Zunheboto district te 22nd April 2022 te lowa thakise aro Deputy Commissioner Zunheboto, Rahul Bhanudas Mali (IAS) toh special guest hisab te thakise.

Assistant Director of Food & Civil supplies, Zunheboto, Kiyevi I.Swu para PMGKAY opor te kowa thakise.

Beneficiaries’ testimonials samai ekta differently-abled moda, Xuniho Yeptho, aro ekta maike beneficiary, Khevili Awomi para Government aro F&CS laga department te thanked kora thakise kelay koile dekthari samai dukhiya laga need te act kora nemite.

Tai para be pandemic laga dekthari samai poisa he kaam laga factor nahoi koise aro government para supplies nemite besi motob hoise koise aro motob lakiya khan ke free para deya nemite be.

President of urban GBs, Shiwoto Zhimo para FPSs te phal kaam kori thakibole government laga policies phal para bonabole nemite appeal korise.

Agae te, mana programme Department of Food & Civil Supplies, Zunheboto para lowa te Senior Inspector F&CS, Sashilemla Pongen para chaired thakise aro vote of thanks toh Inspector F&CS, Alovito Yepthomi para deya thakise.