Nagaland Wokha Zunheboto

Nagaland te Red Cross Day manishe

Zunheboto: Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) Zunheboto district branch para World Red cross day toh theme, “Everything we do comes from the heart” under te manishe. Etu toh DC’s conference hall jaga te 8th May 2023 te manishe.

Deputy Commissioner and chairman of IRCS Zunheboto district branch, Rahul Bhanudas Mali para ekta manu to caste nahoile creed te nashai kena neighbors ke hotai motob koribo laki koise aro etu toh Bible reference “thou shalt love thy neighbors” te nesana hotai monn para hobo laki koise. Tai para be manu khan ke reasoning koribole laga ability ase aro chese khan te thek bonabole ase koise. Etu para sob manu khan ke hotai ekta clear conscience thakibole aro ekta ekta logote motob koribole koise. Tai para be society toh ekta phal jaga bonabole nemite administration aro IRCS ekala para koribole naparibo koise. Etu para sob manu khan ke hotai cooperate koribole aro ekta ekta logote motob koribole koise.

Secretary IRCS Zunheboto Dr. G Hokishe Sema para meeting te chaired thakise aro keynote address deshe.

Invocation prathana Dr. Hutton Sumi, Pastor SBCZ para aro Tuden Ozukum, Pastor Zunheboto So Baptist Arogo para benediction prayer kora thakise.

Wokha: Wokha district para be World Red Cross Day toh DC’s Conference Hall, Wokha jaga te 8th May 2023 te manishe. ADC Wokha, Furhesie Nyuwi toh special guest hisab te thakise.

Programme samai te, Nyuwi par etu toh Red Cross movement laga remarkable humanitarian efforts nemite mania koise. Manu khan para Red Cross volunteers aro staff laga tireless work te acknowledge aro honor kori koise

Tai para, tai khan sob kora toh monn para ahhai aro etu toh power of compassion, emphathy ro selflessness para ase koise. Tai para be sob manu khan ke dekthari pai thaka te komti koribole aro humanity promote koribole laga mission te support koribole wata koribole koise.

Programme samai te, Secretary of Red Cross Society Wokha Unit, Dr. K.Z.Ovung para relief materials toh nine beneficiaries ke deya thakise. Function te Dr. Medongunuo Ngone para chaired thakise.

Longleng: Indian Red Cross Society, Longleng District Branch para World Red Cross Day toh 8th May 2023 te theme “Everything we do comes from the Heart” te manishe. Etu toh DPDB hall, Longleng jaga te special guest hisab te SP Longleng, Dr. Pritpal Kaur, IPS logote manishe.

Occasion samai te, special guest pra be five schools para students ke Jr. Red Cross Society Longleng hisab te inaugurate kora thakise.

Hon. Secy. IRCS Longleng, Y. P Angam Phom para welcome aro introductory speech deshe aro vote of thanks toh SDO (C) Longleng, Trongdipa Tongpi Sangtam para deshe. T. Moile Phom, JRC, Yingli College para ekta special song present korise. Programme te EAC Longleng, Dr. Samuel Akho P. Konyak, NCS para chaired thakise.