Headlines Nagaland

World Consumer Right Day laka significance

Hotai sal 15th March tho World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) ase kui nah globally observe kureh aro Nagaland kan b dunia lokot deh observe kuri bole ase etu din tho. March 15, 1962 deh President JohnF. Kenndy, US Congress laka agae deh kotha kuri shae aro Consumer Right address kuri shae. Tai para formerly chartha consumer rights declare kuri shae aro aro consumer right laka issues kan address kuri shae. Tai keh first world leader mark krui shae consumer rights deh kotha kuri bole. Piche deh International Organization of Consumers Union (IOCU), kun keh itia Consumer International (CI) mateh, tai kan para list deh aro chartha rights add dali shae. Utu rights kan tho etu kan ase: 1. Right to safety   2. Right to be informed   3. Right to choose   4. Right to be heard   5. Right to redress   6. Right to consumer education   7. Right to a healthy environment   8. Right to basic needs. Government of India para etu rights kan taikan laka 20 point program deh dali shae. Etu kan tho United Nations Charter of Human Rights deh incorporate kuri nah ase. 1963 deh, first World Consumer Right Day tho manai shae.

Etu din laka significance tho sob consumers laka rights highlight kuri bo leh ase aro exploitation, discrimination aro alak unfair practices laka against taikan keh protect kuri bo karne ase. Etu din tho zaruri issues kan deh consumer awareness promote kuri bole aim ase aro taikan keh encourage kuri bo karne ase action lubi kui nah taikan laka rights protect kuri bole. Manu kan active taki bole lakeh taikan laka rights protect kuri bole aro taikan, malpractices para safe taki bole. Itia time ase, sob consumers laka rights basic rights promote kuri bo karne. 

Consumer Protection Act, 1986 tho ekta historic milestone ase kui nah papna kureh country laka consumer movement deh. Hoile b Consumer Protection Act, 2019 para khali Consumer Protection Act, 1986 keh replace kuri shae. Hotai sal etu din observe kura tho consumer movement laka importance highlight kuri bole opportunity ekta deh. Consumer rights aro duties laka awareness tho rural jaka kan deh aro zaruri ase. Etu laka responsibility tho  mukan aro government agencies laka upor deh ase. State government kan ekta vital role play kuri bole lakeh consumers laka welfare promote kuri bole. Fundraise laka nam deh lottery tickets/raffle draw/moudi/cooked packed food/buffet tickets/calendar kan bika tho aro expired hua laka saman kan bika tho consumer rights exploitation aro uthai di ase.


Kezhokhoto Savi President NVCO