
JP Nadda para meeting lobo

AGENCIES,NOVEMBER 18 2021: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President JP Nadda  toh ekta important meeting   lobole  ase etu bi ahibole thaka  Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections national capital te  .etu khobor toh sources para koikena janaidya thakishe.

Source para kuwa hisaab te  Uttar Pradesh BJP in-charge Dharmendra Pradhan, State party President Swatantra Dev Singh, State party General Secretaries Sunil Bansal and BL Santosh and state in-charge Radha Mohan Singh toh etu meeting te thakibo.

Aji laga meeting  te   party leadership toh    etu BJP’s upcoming programmes, campaigns, aro strategy te kotha  kuribole ase etu party te kaam kuribole niemte  aro kaam kuribole  ground level te  poll bound  state te/

Akhe te October  11   ekta high level   meeting   bjp leaders laga  delhi te loishe etu bi Uttar Pradesh elections. BJP National President JP Nadda, BL Santosh, Dharmendra Pradhan, Radha Mohan Singh, Sunil Bansal, Swatantra Dev Singh  khan meeting te ase.

Sources para kuwa hisaab te etu 100 days 100 program  campaign laga  strategy    up te kotha kurishe  etu meeting te.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s programmes UP assembly elections  nimete kotha  kurishe aro meeting te finalise kurishe   up toh tayari kuri ase    assembly election lobole niemte aha sal te.

Sob political parties   khan state te  campaigns khan loishe.

St ate  politics  khan  alag  alag allegations khan paishe aro counter allegations khan ruling party te  aro opposition parties te.election toh five  states  2022 te lobole ase.etu paanchta states te uttar Pradesh toh important ase dusra party niemte.uttar Pradesh toh important ase  party nimete  population te  second largest state ase.